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Useful National Organisations

These organisations are all doing great work in places across the UK. We hope that you will find their websites to be useful resources. Please note that not all of these organisations are Christian. Click on the name or organisation's logo to visit their website (opens in a new window).

731 - Seven Three One

731 is a not-for-profit organisation that uses the Creative Industries to further the education and skills of serving prisoners, ex-offenders and disengaged young people. Click on the logo to visit the website.

ACT - Association of Christian Teachers

'Serving, inspiring and equipping Christians working in education.' A non-denominational Christian member organisation that provides professional support to Christians engaged in education. Useful reviews, resources and briefing papers. Helps to connect you with the educational issues of the day. Click on the logo to visit the website. ACT has an interesting video on their website called 'Is there room for Christianity in Education?'. You can watch it here.

Action for Children

Action for Children's mission is to provide EVERY child in the UK a safe and happy childhood and the foundations to thrive. From their humble beginnings as a single children’s home set up by Methodist Minister Reverend Thomas Bowman Stephenson in 1869, they still have a strong connection with church communities today.

Though a national charity, they have 5 services in Yorkshire alone providing urgent foster care, a prison mother and baby unit, support for young carers, and pre-natal services for mothers-to-be struggling with poverty, domestic violence or substance misuse. Click on the logo to visit their website.

Alex Timpson Trust

The Alex Timpson Trust is the official company charity of the Timpson Group. The charity’s main aim is to help schools better respond to the emotional needs of looked after (fostered and adopted) children. The Alex Timpson Trust supports the development of training courses on attachment awareness. Sir  John Timpson has written three books about attachment: A Guide to Attachment, How to Create A Positive Future and Looking After Looked After Children. These books are freely available to help raise wider awareness of the reasons why some looked after children behave in ways that are challenging and perplexing. Simply visit a Timpson, Johnsons the Cleaners or Max Spielman store and ask for a free copy of the book/s you would like.

All We Can

All We Can is an international development and relief organisation, working to see every person’s potential fulfilled. Focussed on serving the world’s most marginalised communities, All We Can is rooted in the Christian faith. All We Can works through partnership alongside our global neighbours most impacted by disasters, poverty and injustice to enable flourishing and resilient communities. Click on the title or logo to visit their website.

Archbishop of York Youth Trust

The Archbishop of York Youth Trust's aim is to empower a generation of young people to transform society. The Trust was established by Dr John Sentamu, the 97th Archbishop of York, in 2009. The Youth Trust is founded on Christian values and is inclusive to all in its ethos and activities. They believe that every young person is unique, of great worth, and has the potential to change our communities for the better. The Trust exists to empower young people to serve their generation, putting the needs of others before themselves, as displayed in the life of Jesus and people from many faith traditions. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Be Space

Be Space is a Christian project giving support and advice to churches and schools to set up prayer spaces where people can just 'be'. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Bible Society

The Bible Society seeks to help everyone engage with the life-transforming truths of the Bible; distributing, translating and creating ways to engage with it that are relevant to today's society. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Boys' Brigade

The Boys' Brigade is one of the biggest Christian Youth Organisations in the UK & Republic of Ireland. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Bristol Schools Connection

Bristol Schools Connection provides coaching, training and consultancy to churches who wish to develop a supportive relationship with their local school. They help schools to reimagine spiritual development and equip the local church to contribute in a relevant and credible way. Click on the logo to find out more at their website.

CARE - Christian Action, Research and Education

'Making a Christian difference for the sake of the future.' One of CARE’s goals is to assist Christians to understand the social and moral issues in public policy, education and the community. CARE monitors and contributes to the process of influencing education policy and practice. It helps to connect you and involve you with educational issues. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Care for the Family

Care for the Family is a charity with an aim to promote strong and healthy family life, as well as help those who face family difficulties. Click on the logo to visit the website.


Counties makes Jesus known across the UK through the work of a national network of evangelists,  schools’ resources, church planters and training opportunities. They have some great resources for schools which you can find more information about on their website by clicking on the logo or title. One of these is the Life exhibition, which is a multi-media experience designed for primary school children which complements and works alongside existing RE teaching.


Emerge is a Christian youth work charity working in Bradford and London inspiring young people to transform their lives and communities at home, in school and on the streets. Click on the logo to visit the website.

FoundationStones Resources

FoundationStones Resources produce resources for churches and family ministries which are Biblical, flexible and spirit filled. Their vision is to see adults and children united in praying, serving and learning more about God by equipping churches to equip their children. Visit the website and their shop by clicking on the logo or title.

Frontier Youth Trust

The Frontier Youth Trust works with young people at risk towards justice, equality and community. They have connections with various youth projects and also produce resources. Click on the logo to visit the website.


GSUS Live is a mobile education unit which is a multi-media classroom in a lorry trailer. It tells the story of three teenagers facing real-life issues in their lives, and how they get inspiration from the Bible to deal with their problems.  Aimed at KS3 students. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Girls' Brigade Ministries

Girls' Brigade Ministries has a vision to see lives and communities transformed and enriched as generations seek, serve and follow Jesus Christ. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Godly Play

Godly Play is a creative and imaginative approach to Christian nurture that includes an exploration of a Bible story using objects and artefacts. It seeks to help children discover God and to nourish their spiritual development. Click here for more information about Godly Play in Sheffield. Click on the image above to visit the Godly Play UK website.

Good News for Everyone

Good News for Everyone (formerly Gideons UK) serves to introduce others to the Lord Jesus Christ by the placing, presenting and/or distributing Scriptures in many different areas of life, most often Testaments, which include the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs, but also copies of the full Bible. The people at Good News for Everyone hand out the Testaments at schools and also give assemblies in schools. Click on the logo or title to find out more.

Higher Tour

The Higher Tour wants to 'present the good news of Jesus Christ to tens of thousands of young people and see thousands making a decision to become lifelong disciples of Jesus'. They can visit your school for a day and deliver a blend of assemblies, lessons, workshops and performances. There is no cost to the school. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Home for Good

Every 15 minutes a child comes into care in the UK. Home for Good believes that we all have a part to play to ensure that every child has the home they need. They work to mobilise the Church in the UK to respond to the needs of vulnerable children through families stepping forward to foster or adopt and churches wrapping around families with support, and to influence wider society through advocacy and engagement to create systemic change. Click on the logo to visit their website.

Hope UK

Hope UK is a national charity providing drug and alcohol education and training for children and young people, parents and youth workers. They equip young people to make drug free choices. Click on the logo to visit the website. They have a resources section on their website which is full of online resources for schools, churches and families to use at home.

Jenni Osbourn

Jenni supports those who support young people – whether that’s youth workers, parents or carers. She offers 1:1 mentoring online to those who need to make changes to their working practices in order to keep doing what they love in youth work. Click on the logo or title to visit her website.

Join the Dots

The vision of Join the Dots is to empower youth and children's workers to confidently build trauma sensitive faith cultures, in order that those who have experienced adversity, feel safe, loved and go on to develop a secure identity in Christ. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Kids Matter

Kids Matter has a vision to see every child in need raised in a strong family. Research has shown that the most effective, early intervention to help children is group-based parenting programmes. Kids Matter programmes equip parents and carers in the community who are raising their children in economic disadvantage, with the confidence, competence, and community, they need to enable their children to thrive. Through partnering with the local church to run their programmes they want to reduce the impact of poverty on children. Click on the logo to find out more.

Kitchen Table Project

There was a statistic saying that just 50% of children growing up in Christian homes kept their faith into adulthood. The Kitchen Table Project from Care for the Family has been set up to help parents and carers inspire a faith that lasts in the next generation. The good news is, you don’t need to be an expert to nurture a living faith at home or help kids to enjoy a deep and personal relationship with God. Click on the logo to find out more about the Kitchen Table Project.

The Kitchen Table Project also has a resources section with downloads and great ideas for activities.

Know and Grow

The Know and Grow Makaton workshop aims to make the Christian faith accessible to all through the power of Makaton signs and symbols. Click on the image or title to find out more.

Leprosy Mission

Leprosy Mission has resources for schools that are based on the book Bela, by Mia Hadrill and Jessica Kettle. Bela is a story about a young girl from India who is diagnosed with leprosy. In their resources tailored for EYFS, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two you'll find plenty of ideas for activities across the whole curriculum, plus a digital version of the book to download. Click on the image or title to visit their website and scroll down to the 'Resources for Schools' section.


Lifewords is dedicated to helping people discover the good news of the Bible by producing resources for people all over the world. Click on the logo to visit the website.


Lightspace seek to serve by supporting primary school age children as they grow in their knowledge and understanding of Christianity within the school day.  They provide high quality and creative resources to communicate to children in a contemporary and accessible way and offer support to the whole school community’s wellbeing through pastoral care and chaplaincy. Click on the logo to find out more.

Living Stones Educational Trust

The vision of Living Stones Educational Trust is to share the love of God by supporting children, families and schools in Newton Heath, working holistically to help raise educational attainment and resilience. Click on the logo to visit their website.

Lord Wharton's (Bible) Charity

Lord Wharton's (Bible) Charity was founded in 1696 and provides free Bibles to children and young people. An application form and more information is on their website. Click on the picture of Lord Wharton to find out more.


Lovewise has developed resources on the subjects of relationships, marriage, sex and wise living. These resources encourage young people to consider the God-given design of marriage and the wisdom and benefits of keeping sex for marriage. They have sex education resources specifically for schools - click on the the logo ot title to visit the website. All of their resources have been written by health professionals with input from parents and teachers, and include books, DVDs, PowerPoint and online presentations.  They also run a Christian website, Lovewise Online, for young people aged 13+ to access directly, with Biblical teaching on the areas covered by other Lovewise resources.

Magic Breakfast

Magic Breakfast are a registered charity aiming to end hunger as a barrier to education in UK schools through the provision of healthy breakfasts to children living with food poverty. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Make Lunch

Make Lunch is a TLG run project working with local churches to provide hot meals for children during school holidays. Click on the logo to visit the website.


In a society where manhood is rarely understood, ManMade is a resource to help teenage lads become young men. Boys rarely mark the transition into manhood, they simply drift into adult life. ManMade is a resource that unpacks this transition with six core values, based on the life of Jesus. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Meaningful Chocolate Company

The Meaningful Chocolate Company produces the Real Easter Egg which shares the Easter story through a book included with a fairtrade chocolate egg, supporting charitable projects as a result. They also sell the UK’s only Fairtrade Advent calendar which comes with a free 24 page Christmas story-activity book and supports charitable causes. The Real Advent Calendar is designed to share and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas so that Christ is not written out of Christmas. Why not use it in classrooms as a basis for discussion? Click on the logo to visit the website.

Missional Generation

Missional Generation equips young people to be influential for God in every arena of life. They seek to help the Church strengthen its voice and be at the cutting edge in society once again. They are convinced that young people and their leaders can ignite this into action to see transformation within their local context. They create a number of practical resources for young people to connect with God and live missionally – from daily devotions to VR and AR apps. Click on the logo or title to find out more about them and their available resources.

Naked Truth Project

The Naked Truth Project aims to tackle pornography and has some useful advice for parents and carers, including practical help on installing filters on computers and phones. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Open the Book

Open the Book (OtB, part of Bible Society) offers primary school children an opportunity to hear key Bible stories told by a team of Christians from local churches, who present the stories during assemblies or acts of collective worship. Teams of volunteer storytellers use drama, mime, props and costume to present Bible stories in ways that are lively, engaging, informative and great fun for everyone involved. This is a great way to connect with your local school. Several Sheffield Schools already have OtB teams who visit regularly. Find out more about Open the Book at taster events run by CaSS or click on the logo to visit the Open the Book website for more information.

Pray for Schools

'Making every school a prayed for school'. The vision of Pray for Schools is to mobilise Christians to support their school communities through prayer. It offers great resources and ideas and is good for school prayer groups. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Prayer Spaces in Schools

Prayer Spaces in Schools 'enable children and young people to explore faith and spirituality from a broadly Christian perspective in a safe, creative and interactive way'. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Primetime Bradford

Primetime Bradford is a Children and Young People’s Project based in the local community of BD4. Young people are the focus of everything they do and it is their belief that by offering opportunities for children and young people to develop outside of their home and school life, they are helping to ensure young people are heard, valued and understood locally. Primetime Bradford delivers a variety of activities for local children and young people. Click on the logo to visit the website.

ROOTS on the Web

ROOTS is a partnership of denominations and other Christian organisations and that publishes lectionary-based worship resources online and in print. ROOTS has resources help you to plan inspiring worship, encourage discipleship throughout the week, and nurture children and young people in their faith. Click on the logo or title to visit the website.


Redthread is a charity set up by Christians that supports young people to break their cycle of violence. Redthread supports young people to overcome challenges and obstacles, helping them to become a more integrated part of their local community. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Rooted (from Scripture Union)

Rooted offers a new and different approach to youth ministry. By encouraging the development of long-term relationships with young people, Rooted provides strong foundations for the nurture of lifelong, authentic faith. It is a simple way for churches and youth leaders to engage young people where they are at. Rooted is an innovative and flexible framework for long-term relational ministry with young people, which can be used in any context, with any level of faith development and with any level of ability.

The Rooted model starts where young people are at - culturally, in their interests and passions, and at their faith stage – seeking to provide space for each young person to grow, flourish and be nurtured in a safe, committed and compassionate Christian community. Click on the logo to find out more.

Safe Families

Safe Families is a charity that works with over 35 local authorities around the UK. They offer hope, belonging and support to children, families and care leavers primarily, but not exclusively, with and through local churches. Click on the logo to find out more.

School Pastors

School Pastors is an initiative of Ascension Trust (who also set up the perhaps better known Street Pastors). The role of the School Pastors is to 'promote safety and aim to reduce anti-social behaviour. School pastors are there to listen, care and help young people to become good citizens.' Their website contains lots of information about becoming a School Pastor. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Schoolswork UK

'Resources, inspiration and training for Christian schools work.' This is a really useful site, full of information and excellent creative ideas. It is well worth a visit and highly recommended. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Scripture Union

'Helping you journey into faith with the 95% of under 18s not in church'. Working in schools is one of Scripture Union's main priorities. CaSS is a local mission partner of Scripture Union and receives valuable support from them. SU publishes a number of very useful school related resources and they also run a number of very helpful courses. They have also produced guidelines for working in schools which you can download here. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Scripture Union Light Parties

This is a free resource for groups looking to organise an alternative to a Halloween Party. Halloween is also the Christian festival of All Hallows’ Eve and All Saints’ Day, which remembers the lives of those Christians who gave up everything for their faith in Jesus. Most children know nothing of this. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Serve Your Local School

Serve Your Local School aims to help churches see the potential to play a part in their local school community and to make a real practical difference for  teachers, staff and pupils. The charity is Scotland based, but on their website you'll find a range of resources and ideas to develop links with local schools, wherever you live.

Spinnaker Trust

Spinnaker Trust prepares, delivers and distributes resources for Collective Worship and RE lessons, supporting schools and equipping schools workers. Check out their resources by clicking on their logo.

TISCA - The Independent Schools Christian Alliance

TISCA is an association of teachers and others concerned to promote Christian values in the independent schools of the UK and around the world. Click on the logo to visit the website.

TLG - Transforming Lives for Good

A national Christian education charity providing 1:1 mentoring in schools with children at risk of exclusion. Watch this video to see some great stories of local churches connecting with local schools to serve children, young people and families through partnership with TLG. Click on the logo to visit the website.

The Children's Society

Every young person deserves a good childhood. That's why The Children's Society fights for the hope and happiness of young people when it's threatened by abuse, exploitation and neglect. They support them through their most serious life challenges. Their goal and vision are built around the hopes of young people, to achieve long-lasting change for this generation and the ones to come. Click on the logo or title to visit their website.

The Church of England

The Church of England has some helpful signposting and resources on their website with regards to education and schools. Click on the logo or title to visit the website.

The Feast

The Feast is a Christian charity that started in Birmingham. They work to promote community cohesion between young people of different faiths and cultures. Click on the logo to visit the website

The Resource

The Resource supports churches and faith based organisations by providing training, consultancy and resources that will empower and equip those working with children, young people and families. They also have lots of free resources on their website, including: reflective practice resources for you and your team; devotions young people can engage with; practical resources that support your ministry; an advent resource for families to engage with at home; and an advent podcast for young people. Click on the logo or title to visit the website.

The Trussell Trust

The Trussell Trust supports a nationwide network of food banks and together they provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK. In the UK, more than 14 million people are living in poverty – including 4.5 million children. The Trust supports more than 1,200 food bank centres in the UK to provide a minimum of three days’ nutritionally-balanced emergency food to people who have been referred in crisis, as well as support to help people resolve the crises they face. Click on the logo to find out more.

The Ugly Duckling Company

The Ugly Duckling Company produce resources that aim to encourage people to think about the 'big and not so big questions in life'. Their 'table talk' packs of cards are available for different ages and social groups. The 12-14 year old pack explores issues around Identity, Friendships, Technology, Home life, Transition and Opinions. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Together At Home

Together at Home provided free resources for churches to share with their families to help them explore the Bible and learn about God together whilst in their own homes during the Covid-19 pandemic. Although lockdowns have ended, they continue to share a range of seasonal resources and all their previous resources are available on their website. Click on the logo or title to visit the website.

United Reformed Church

Supporting and equipping children, families, young people, young adults and those engaging with them to help build an intergenerational church where everyone belongs. We provide free resources, training (face to face and online), events and more for 0-25s, their families and those who engage with them. The URC has a great page of resources for working with children, young people and families. 

Walk Through the Bible

Walk Through the Bible brings the Bible to life. Their interactive, innovative and engaging style invites people into the story. Every 9-11 year old child can know the storyline of the Old Testament through their free series of action-packed 20min videos. Sign up by clicking on the logo.

Young Leaders Award

The Archbishop of York's Youth Trust Young Leaders Award is a unique active citizenship programme which empowers young people to make a difference in their local community whilst growing in key leadership skills at the same time. Click on the logo to visit the website.

Youth for Christ

YFC is a national Christian charity that was founded by Billy Graham in 1946. Working with over 250,000 young people each month, they draw alongside children, teens and young adults from every background and culture in Britain. Click on the logo to visit the website.


Youthscape has been serving young people since 1993. Their Centre for Research is dedicated to studying the ever-shifting landscape of youth culture so that you can better help young people. They also provide diverse services supporting youth work across the UK. They provide national training courses catered to both professionals and youth workers, covering issues like self-harm, anxiety and emotional wellbeing. They also have an online store to help provide the tools you need to best serve young people today.

We'd love to hear from you!

Fiona: / 07812 855332


Postal address (please note we do not have an office here and it is for post only):

Christians and Sheffield Schools, c/o Bents Green Methodist Church, Ringinglow Road, Sheffield, S11 7PU

Registered charity no: 1007305

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