School Chaplaincy & School Ministry Training Course
Chaplaincy does life with people where they are. Life is often messy, rough edged, conflicted. Chaplaincy is where Christians need to be, sharing the journeys people are on. It is particularly valid when it comes to serving young people. Over 95% of young people are not in church. They are, however, in school, so to ‘do life’ with this generation, to serve, help or invest in them we need to be where they are - in schools. School chaplaincy does life with young people in schools.
Christians & Sheffield Schools, The Diocese of Sheffield and The Methodist Church run a training course for those interested in school chaplaincy. The programme includes topics such as: understanding chaplaincy; school expectations and boundaries; children & spirituality (SMSC); characteristics of Generation Z; chaplaincy in a multi-faith setting; safeguarding; mental health; loss and bereavement; identity matters and more.
Previous delegates attest to the course’s value:
"Excellent. High quality presentation and speakers, and a very well-structured course."
"Inspiring and helpful."
"Such breadth and quality of input."
"Hugely informative, real and helpful course."
"I would recommend it."
"I did not put this course together so I can attest with independence that it is one of the best courses I know," Huw Thomas (Diocesan Director of Education).​​​
Next Course - Summer 2025
We are hoping that our next course will take place in July 2025 in Sheffield. Please contact us at admin@cass-su.org.uk to register your interest as we need enough interest in order to run another course. Application forms and other documentation will be made available in time.

You can watch the short video below to find out more about the course and use the links below to see what topics the course covers and to view feedback from previous attendees. If you have further questions you can contact Fiona Walton (fiona.walton@cass-su.org.uk) for more information or to register interest in our next course.